All our artisan vinegars are proven to inhibit pathogenic bacteria.
If you have ever had food poisoning, or suffered a skin, dental or hospital-acquired infection, you may have a layer of pathogenic biofilm still lingering inside your gut. These collections of harmful bacteria can be antibiotic-resistant and extremely hard to shift. Over time, your immune system may exhaust itself trying to get rid of these low-grade infections, and you will begin to experience autoimmune symptoms.
To deal with this issue, we hand-craft our artisan vinegars from a base of raw apple cider vinegar, with the mother. We steep a carefully selected combination of antimicrobial herbs in the vinegar, to produce a safe, natural and delicious product that is lab-tested to inhibit specific pathogens.
Which vinegar is right for you? That depends on which pathogens you have inside your system. The best way to find this information is by taking a microbiome test. Or add all three delicious vinegars into your routine in rotation, and give yourself broad-based pathogen protection!